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Press Releases

Save Our Wild Salmon

Executive Order Adds Timely Momentum to Restoration Efforts in the Columbia River Basin

SEATTLE— Today, the Columbia Snake River Campaign commends Washington Governor Jay Inslee for issuing an Executive Order that reaffirms the state’s commitment to restoring wild salmon, steelhead, and other native fish populations in the Columbia River Basin. The Executive Order aligns with the Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative (CBRI) and the Resilient Columbia Basin Agreement (RCBA), as well as the Presidential Memorandum issued last year to prioritize concrete steps to restore abundant salmon populations across the Columbia River Basin and uphold commitments to Northwest Tribes.

The Campaign also recognizes the support of Governor-Elect Bob Ferguson, who has pledged to continue this critical work. Both leaders exemplify bold governance in ensuring the future abundance of endangered fish populations, protecting Tribal Treaty rights, and building a clean, affordable, and resilient energy future for the Pacific Northwest.

“This Executive Order represents Gov. Inslee’s unwavering commitment to restoring our iconic salmon runs while modernizing the infrastructure of the Columbia and Snake Rivers,” said Kayeloni Scott, Executive Director of the Columbia Snake River Campaign. “This is a commitment to good governance—keeping promises made to Tribes, to the people of Washington, and to future generations. The Columbia Snake River Campaign will support this Executive Order and Governor-Elect Ferguson by working to ensure that state agencies, partners, and stakeholders turn these commitments into real, measurable actions that meet the needs of salmon within the critical time frame remaining.”

“Salmon, orca and fishing advocates deeply appreciate Governor Inslee's leadership, commitment, and resolve to recover salmon, uphold our nation’s promises to Tribal Nations, and work collaboratively for a healthier, more resilient Columbia-Snake River Basin. Wild salmon and steelhead are essential to our state’s cultures, economy, and ecosystems. Washington State’s continued strong partnership with the Six Sovereigns and prioritizing additional opportunities to implement the Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative is essential to our region's health and future," said Joseph Bogaard, Executive Director, Save Our wild Salmon Coalition.

The Columbia Snake River Campaign strongly supports Gov. Inslee’s call for transparency and collaboration among state, federal, and Tribal partners to fulfill the commitments outlined in the CBRI and RCBA. The Campaign is committed to working alongside Tribes, conservationists, and local communities to restore the river system and hold decision-makers accountable for taking meaningful, timely actions.

The CBRI and the RCBA are collaborative initiatives among state, federal, and Tribal leaders designed to restore the ecosystem of the Columbia Basin. Governor Inslee’s Executive Order directs Washington state agencies to work transparently and cooperatively to fulfill the state’s commitments to these initiatives and ensure accountability in the process.

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