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Take Action

Public officials and decision-makers must pay close attention to the interests and priorities of their constituents. When we sit down at meetings and make requests of policymakers, we're representing you and all of our supporters. The more of us there are, and the more they hear from you and others, the more power and influence we have to make change and right wrongs.

We bring you and all of our supporters into every phone call and meeting! The more often that our state and federal officials hear from you—emails, phone calls, hand-written letters, social media posts and more —the stronger we are. Please take a moment now to take action below. Sign up to join our mailing list to receive action alerts, breaking news and developments and more, right to your inbox! 

We need YOU to elevate issues, ask for leadership, thank our representatives when they do the right thing, and to hold them accountable when they don't! 

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