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SOS Blog

Save Our Wild Salmon

New federal commitments and investments were announced on December 14, 2023 by the White House, the States of Oregon and Washington and four Columbia Basin Tribes - marking an important step towards a comprehensive solution to restore healthy and abundant salmon populations, and essential to honoring Tribal Treaty obligations.

The agreement provides a multi-year pause in litigation to allow for the implementation of commitments, actions, and federal investments advancing the recovery of salmon, steelhead and other Native fish populations throughout the Columbia River Basin, including more than half a billion dollars in NEW federal funding to the region and additional resources for habitat restoration and fish passage infrastructure.

The federal commitments, actions, and investments identified respond directly to The Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative (CBRI), a groundbreaking and visionary joint proposal from the “Six Sovereigns” (the states of Washington and Oregon and the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Spring Reservation, and the Nez Perce Tribe).

The CBRI offers a comprehensive roadmap to rebuild imperiled native fish populations, honor Tribal treaty rights, and restore healthy ecosystems while supporting a robust Pacific Northwest economy.

The Federal investments and actions to restore the lower Snake River and replace and modernize irrigation, energy, and transportation infrastructure provide significant economic benefits to Tribes and communities throughout the Columbia and Snake River Basins, while addressing the impacts of climate change and the crisis facing salmon and orcas.

We are not at the finish line, but today’s announcement brings us much closer to a free-flowing Snake River, abundant salmon and steelhead, and a healthy ecosystem.

Agreement Take Action graphic

Save Our wild Salmon Coalition is deeply grateful for Tribal, State, Federal, and NGO partners' leadership in advancing a comprehensive solution, and securing important investments to begin to recover imperiled fish populations throughout the Columbia/Snake River Basin.

Urgent action, continued leadership, and strong support from policymakers across the Northwest is essential - to seize this historic opportunity, end the harmful status quo, and move forward a comprehensive plan and investments - benefiting the entire region and future generations.

Please join us in thanking the administration for these important steps forward, and urge your members of Congress to pledge their strong support and leadership to ensure we implement the actions necessary to recover Northwest salmon. 

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