Contact your legislator today!
Follow this link, type your address and zip code - then write and call your state senator and state representatives!The fate of Southern Resident orca and Columbia-Snake salmon is in our hands.
Thanks to your/our collective work in 2018, Governor Inslee recently included two key Orca Task Force recommendations in his budget proposal to the state legislature to:
(1) Expand spill at federal dams in the Columbia Basin to increase salmon populations,
(2) Convene a lower Snake River stakeholder forum to identify needed infrastructure transitions for when the four lower Snake River dams are removed.
The Columbia Basin has the greatest chinook salmon restoration potential of anywhere on the entire West Coast! We need bold action in the Columbia Basin as an essential piece of an effective statewide plan that recovers robust salmon populations and protects orca from extinction.
We applaud the Governor’s leadership, and now we need to turn our attention on our Washington State legislators.
Contact your legislators today: "Starving orca need more salmon; fully fund the Governor’s request to increase spill at federal dams and convene a lower Snake River dam removal stakeholder forum in 2019!”
We've only made progress recently to aid endangered orca and salmon due to overwhelming pressure from you and so many others that policymakers and decisionmakers could not ignore us. We must keep this up or the legislature will buckle to pressure from the defenders of the status quo.
We must work together to ensure the legislature fully funds these two key items in the Governor's budget - more spill and the stakeholder forum. Both are low-cost, but exceptionally high-value actions for salmon and orca. And both are being vigorously opposed by anti-salmon forces in the state.
We need your help! Write and call your legislators today. Share this action alert with your friends and family. Contact us to get more involved! Thank you!
For further information and to get involved, contact:
Joseph Bogaard,; 206-300-1003
Sam Mace,; 509-863-5696