We wish you and your communities health and safety in these difficult times.
One of Save Our wild Salmon's big giving events, GiveBIG, is next week on May 5th and 6th. It provides an important opportunity to raise funds and sustain SOS' work on behalf of endangered salmon and struggling communities.
And this year, we're also excited to announce a $10,000 match opportunity for GiveBIG, thanks to a very generous donor. We hope that you can help us meet this match!
In the face of unprecedented challenges, our team of dedicated staff and contractors is adapting and finding new ways to fight for comprehensive solutions that will recover the Northwest’s endangered salmon and orcas. We need your support more than ever to ensure that we can continue working to advocate for effective collaborative solutions that rebuild the Northwest's native fish populations and invest in healthy fishing, outdoor and farming communities.
In these unsettling times, the challenges facing Northwest rivers and fish - and the many communities that rely upon them - remain. Recent adult salmon returns to the Snake and Columbia rivers are some of the lowest on record and scientists predict another hot summer in 2020, which means more bad news for salmon. And in its recent environmental review, the federal government doubled down on business as usual - leaving the thirteen endangered populations in the Columbia-Snake Basin at perilous risk of extinction.
Despite that discouraging news, at SOS we’re hopeful. Though we are now all working from home, we’re pressing forward and we’re making progress. And thanks to your partnership and advocacy, our persistence is paying off. People are mobilizing, stakeholders are talking to each other, and policymakers are stepping up. SOS is working every day to hold the federal agencies accountable and bring together people and policymakers around real and lasting solutions to restore salmon abundance in the Columbia-Snake Basin, support prosperous communities and a clean and affordable energy system for the Northwest.
To learn more about recent work and wins, visit our new Draft EIS Resource page, read our latest issue of the Wild Salmon & Steelhead News and visit our Restore the lower Snake River project page.
We are very grateful for your support to ensure our important work together continues. If you are able, please schedule a tax-deductible GiveBIG gift to Save Our wild Salmon today.
As ever, thank you for your support and advocacy on behalf of resilient ecosystems and healthy communities. In these uncertain times, we can’t move forward without you.
Strength and courage,
Joseph, Sam, Carrie and the whole SOS team
Save Our wild Salmon Coalition
PS – A huge 'thank you!' to everyone who called and wrote and spoke up as part of the federal agencies' recent Draft EIS public comment period. Working together under difficult circumstances, we generated nearly 100,000 public comments in support of a free flowing lower Snake River, salmon abundance and community solutions!
PPS - If you prefer, you can also send a check to the SOS office: Save Our wild Salmon, 811 First Ave, Suite 305, Seattle, WA 98104. Thank you! -jb