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SOS Blog

Save Our Wild Salmon

Here's a copy of the half-page print ad that SOS published on Sunday, April 18 with nine partner organizations in four Washington State papers - Seattle Times, Tacoma News Tribune, Olympian and the Spokesman Review. These ads kick off a week-long outreach and mobilization project highlighting the urgent plight of the Southern Resident orcas as they struggle to find sufficent prey - chinook salmon - in the Northwest's coastal waters.

"Restoring the lower Snake River is our best opportunity to restore salmon
to abundance across the Pacific Northwest!"
- Follow this link for further information, including office phone numbers and suggested messages -

Visit to learn more about this Washington State-based ad campaign and for guidance on calling and writing the offices of Senators Murray and Cantwell. Help us ask for their urgent leadership on behalf of endangered Snake River salmon, Southern Resident orcas - and the tribal and non-tribal communities across the Northwest that are working tirelessly to protect and restore them.

Please call these offices - and share this project with your friends and networks.

Thank you.

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