On Sunday, March 26, Save Our wild Salmon Coalition were joined by more than 50 allied NGO partners on this full-page, full-color ad in the Seattle Times.
Coming at a critical time, this ad raises the profile of the collective and urgent work by salmon, orca, fishing and clean energy advocates in Washington State and across the Northwest to restore the lower Snake River and replace its dams’ services as quickly as possible. Right now, the Washington State Legislature is turning its focus on discussing and deciding upon the state’s 2-year budget.
We’re working very hard to ensure critical Snake River restoration-related budget priorities are included in the final state budget. These funds are essential for advancing critical priorities - energy, irrigation and transportation transition planning - that must begin this year. These urgent next steps are key to investing in communities and infrastructure needed in order to replace the lower Snake River dams.
YOU CAN HELP! Sign this petition asking our State Legislators to act now to fully fund these budget items and begin the process to replace and transition the services of the lower Snake River dams - and share this petition with your friends, family, and networks.
View the full-page Stop Salmon Extinction ad here: