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Restoring the Lower Snake River


August 25, 2017


Sam Mace, Save Our Wild Salmon (509) 863-5696
Brett Haverstick, Friends of the Clearwater (208) 882-9755
Julian Matthews, Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment (208) 790-4296

3rd Annual Free the Snake Flotilla: Boaters Call for Dam Removal to Save Wild Steelhead, Salmon

WHAT: Boat Flotilla in Support of a Free-Flowing lower Snake River
WHEN: September 8-9, 2017
WHERE: Chief Timothy State Park, Clarkston, WA.

Hundreds of people from the Northwest and beyond, including tribal members, anglers, business owners, conservationists, outfitters and recreational boaters will launch from Chief Timothy Park for a six-mile roundtrip paddle and rally on the river in support of removing the four lower Snake River dams.

This peaceful, family-friendly two-day event will open at 6 pm on Friday, Sept. 8 at Chief Timothy Park with tribal drummers and guest speakers. Spokane band Folkinception will follow. On Saturday, Sept. 9, at 10 am, the paddle and rally on the water will launch from the Chief Timothy Park boat launch. Camping Friday and Saturday night will be available at Chief Timothy for participants.

After the Flotilla there will be a celebration with Spokane bands Atlas Hugged and Smackout Pack in the park.

Snake River wild salmon and steelhead returns have plummeted since the lower Snake River dams were built between 1960-1975. This year, Snake River steelhead returns are the lowest seen in decades. Fishing businesses are struggling and tribal treaty obligations are not being fulfilled. Puget Sound orcas that rely on salmon are starving. With climate change, the impacts of the dams and hot reservoirs are growing worse.

Scientists say the single best thing to save crashing wild salmon and steelhead of the Columbia River Basin is the removal of the four lower Snake River dams. Dam removal would return the 140-mile lower Snake River corridor to free-flowing and honor historic treaty rights of area tribes. It would also be the greatest river restoration in history.

Sponsors include: Nimiipuu Protecting the Environment, Friends of the Clearwater, Save Our Wild Salmon, Earthjustice, Patagonia, Earth Ministry, Idaho Rivers United, EcoDepot, Mountain Gear, Sierra Club, Spokane Falls Trout Unlimited, Palouse-Clearwater Trout Unlimited, Wild Steelhead Coalition, Snake Riverkeeper, Fighting Goliath, RoastHouse Coffee, American Rivers, The Lands Council, American Whitewater, Idaho River Adventures, OARS, Northwest Steelheaders, Backcountry Lark, R.O.W., Endangered Species Coalition and Greater Hells Canyon Council.

For full details visit

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