Thank You President Biden and Six Sovereigns.
On Friday, February 23rd, White House officials celebrated the signing of a Columbia-Snake River Basin restoration agreement with the Six Sovereigns (states of Washington and Oregon and the four lower Columbia River Treaty Tribes: the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation, the Confederated Tribes of the Umatilla Indian Reservation, the Confederated Tribes of the Warm Springs Reservation, and the Nez Perce Tribe).
Watch the White House Ceremony
The landmark restoration agreement, along with a multi-year stay in Snake River litigation led by Earthjustice, was announced on Dec. 14, 2023, and approved by Judge Michael Simon on Feb. 8, 2024. The agreement, which includes U.S. Government Commitments based on a comprehensive restoration plan developed by the four lower Columbia River Treaty Tribes with Washington and Oregon, aims to restore wild salmon populations in the Snake and Columbia rivers while also beginning work to replace the energy, transportation and irrigation services now provided by the four lower Snake River dams.
December’s agreement was preceded by a Presidential Memorandum in September directing federal agencies to use all their authorities to restore healthy and abundant wild salmon and steelhead populations across the Columbia-Snake River Basin and to review and update any policies not aligned with that goal.
This celebration in Washington DC was possible thanks to the unwavering leadership of Northwest Tribes who have long advocated for a comprehensive solution to protect salmon from extinction while investing in Northwest communities.
Following the signing ceremony, Joseph Bogaard, Executive Director of Save Our wild Salmon Coalition issued the following statement:
"We are deeply grateful and applaud the Biden administration and the Six Sovereigns for their leadership and partnership to restore Columbia-Snake River Basin salmon and reaching an agreement that will invest in the future for all people of the Pacific Northwest." Joseph Bogaard, Executive Director, Save Our wild Salmon Coalition
Share a 'thank you' message to President Biden on social media!
Please join us in thanking the Biden administration for moving important steps forward to implement a comprehensive solution to restore healthy and abundant salmon populations and honoring Tribal Treaty obligations. Click below to share your message using Save Our wild Salmon's Facebook, Instagram, and X posts.

Press Releases:
- Columbia River Inter-Tribal Fish Commission: Landmark Agreement Prioritizing the Restoration of Healthy and Abundant Columbia Basin Salmon Populations Formalized by Biden Administration
- Earthjustice: Earthjustice Plaintiffs Join in White House Ceremony Uplifting Historic Columbia Basin Restoration Agreement
- National Wildlife Federation: Biden Administration Signs Historic Agreement with Northwest Tribes, Leaders
- Sierra Club: Sierra Club Celebrates Signing of Columbia River Basin Agreement at White House
Factsheets and Resources:
- Biden-Harris Administration Factsheet: Biden-Harris Administration Announces 10-Year Partnership with Tribes and States to Restore Wild Salmon, Expand Clean Energy Production, Increase Resilience, and Provide Energy Stability in the Columbia River Basin
- Earthjustice Factsheet: New federal commitments to fight salmon extinction in the Columbia River Basin
- Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative: A New Opportunity to Restore Salmon, Honor Treaties, and Invest in the Northwest
- Earthjustice Explainer: The Government Just Took a Big Step Toward Breaching Salmon-Killing Dams
- Earthjustice: A Long Fight to Restore Snake River Salmon: Timeline of selected events, court rulings, and more recent development
- Biden-Harris Administration: Presidential Memorandum on Restoring Healthy and Abundant Salmon, Steelhead, and Other Native Fish Populations in the Columbia River Basin
- Biden-Harris Administration: September Press Release: Biden-Harris Administration, Tribes Reach Historic Agreement Supporting Efforts to Restore Healthy and Abundant Salmon Populations to Upper Columbia River Basin
Court Documents:
- Columbia Basin Restoration Initiative (PDF)
- Snake River Litigation Memorandum of Understanding (PDF)
- Litigation Stay (PDF)
- Federal commitments (PDF)
News Articles:
- Seattle Times: PNW tribal nations, states sign historic Columbia Basin agreement with U.S.
- Confederated Umatilla Journal: Ceremonial signing celebrates historic Columbia River Basin Agreement
- POLITICO E&E News: White House celebrates $1B deal to save Columbia River Basin salmon
- AP News: White House, tribal leaders hail ‘historic’ deal to restore salmon runs in Pacific Northwest
- NWNews: Tribes, governments sign historic agreement that's a 'path forward' for salmon, dams
- Oregon Capital Chronicle: Governors, tribes ratify Columbia River Basin pact at White House signing ceremony
- Spokesman-Review: Northwest tribes, Washington and Oregon sign Columbia River salmon agreement at the White House
- Capital Press: Tribes, officials sign Columbia River Basin Agreement on Snake River dams
- Elkhorn Media Group: CTUIR signs Columbia River Basin Agreement
- Tri-City Herald: White House ceremony launches $1 billion Snake River dams, salmon settlement
- Northwest Sportsman Magazine: Biden Administration, WA, OR, 4 Tribes Sign Columbia Basin Commitments
- NBC (TriCities/Yakima): Historic Columbia River Agreement signed at White House
- Moscow-Pullman Daily News: Cd’A tribe reaches 10-year salmon run deal with feds
- The Center Square: Pact to restore Columbia Basin salmon populations signed in White House ceremony
- Inlander: Columbia River Basin Agreement offers promise of 'socially just' clean energy, restored salmon
Editorials, Op-eds, and Letters to the Editor:
- Idaho Capital Sun Commentary: Rewilding the Lower Snake: How cultural values of a free flowing river exceed those of a reservoir by Bert Bowler
- The Columbian: Letter: Dam rhetoric is not helpful by Mark Leed
- The Spokesman-Review: A bold blueprint for salmon restoration in the Columbia River Basin puts region on the right course by Emily Washines, board president of Columbia Riverkeeper and Bill Arthur Sierra Club’s Snake/Columbia River Salmon campaign director