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Planned Giving is for Everyone Planned Giving Photo

You can leave a lasting gift to protect salmon and rivers by including Save Our wild Salmon in your estate planning. A planned gift is a powerful and thoughtful financial donation after your lifetime that shares your dedication to SOS and our vital mission with future generations.

Planned giving is for everyone, regardless of your age or financial means. It is your opportunity to make a big impact with a future gift and ensure that SOS can continue the work you care about – restoring rivers, recovering salmon and orcas, and revitalizing Northwest communities – well into the future.

Estate planning can begin by simply writing a will, but it can also involve changing beneficiaries of life insurance policies or retirement accounts, or setting up a charitable trust.

There are several different ways you can make a planned gift to SOS, and we would be happy to work with you and your financial or legal advisor to determine the path that is right for you. More information is available in this downloadable brochure.

To discuss your planned gift to SOS, please contact Executive Director Joseph Bogaard at (206) 300-1003 or He would be happy to talk with you or schedule a time to meet via Zoom or in person.

If you decide to include Save Our wild Salmon in your estate plans, please let us know. We value the opportunity to express our gratitude and, at your discretion, would like to recognize you as a legacy donor.

Thank you for leaving a lasting legacy for salmon and rivers!


Thank you for your interest in the Save Our Wild Salmon Coalition’s (SOS) campaign to protect the Northwest’s iconic wild salmon and orca from extinction.


Background: Two of our region’s most iconic species – salmon and orca – teeter today on the brink of extinction. Southern Resident orcas have feasted on the largest of salmon – chinook – since time immemorial. Habitat destruction in our rivers, however, has severed ancient migration routes and devastated wild salmon populations – endangering Southern Resident orcas that rely upon them. Protecting orcas from extinction requires restoring salmon abundance in our region’s coastal waters.

2020.salmon.orca1The Campaign to Restore the Lower Snake River will allow SOS to expand staff resources during 2019-2021 in order to build the public and policymaker support needed to remove four costly dams on the lower Snake River in southeast Washington State.

SOS has led this fight from its start in 1998 with coordinated and strategic legal, policy, communications and organizing action with coalition members and key partners. Our persistent work has bought critical time for endangered salmon by forcing improved dam operations while we make steady progress toward our nation’s most ambitious river/salmon restoration initiative – a free-flowing lower Snake River.

We’re in this fight for the long haul, we’re winning, and the end is now in sight. With your help, the lower Snake River will flow freely once again.

In 2021, we're seeking donations totaling $100,000 in each year. Here is our progress to date for this 3-year campaign:

2019: We met our goal of $80,000!

2020: We secured $85,000 toward our goal of $100,000.

2021: So far, we've raised $40,000 toward a goal of $100,000.

We appreciate your support. You can donate online here.


Or, in order to avoid the online transaction service charge, checks can be sent to:

Save Our wild Salmon Coalition
811 First Ave, #305
Seattle, WA 98104

For further information, please contact us:

Sally Wolf, Fundraising Campaign Chair
Campaign to Restore the Lower Snake River

Joseph Bogaard, Executive Director
Save Our wild Salmon Coalition

Thank you again for your interest and support!

Sally and Joseph


Thank you for your interest in supporting Save Our wild Salmon’s work to restore and reconnect the healthy rivers and watersheds that wild salmon and steelhead need to survive and thrive. We rely on and deeply appreciate your generous support for our work. Thank you!

Save Our wild Salmon Coalition (SOS) is registered with the IRS as a 501(c)3 charitable organization and all donations are tax-deductible to the fullest extent allowed by law. Our tax ID number is 91-1673170.

If you have any questions about making a donation to SOS or how your gift will be used, please don’t hesitate to reach out:

Joseph Bogaard, Executive Director
(206) 300-1003

Here's how you can give:

Give Online

You can make a one-time gift or set up a recurring gift to be made automatically every month, which helps provide SOS with a steady and dependable income over time. You can easily set up monthly giving online by simply checking the "make this donation recurring" box. If you have questions about how to set up monthly giving, please contact us.

Give By Check

You can mail a check to our Seattle office:

Save Our wild Salmon
811 1st Ave, Suite 305
Seattle, WA 98104

Gifts of Securities

Save Our wild Salmon gratefully accepts gifts of stock and other publicly traded securities. Donations of appreciated stock offer some of the largest tax saving to donors and often allow donors to give gifts with greater impact. Be sure to consult with your financial advisor about your tax benefits gained through gifts of appreciated stock.

To make a gift of securities, please contact Executive Director Joseph Bogaard at or Operations Manager LeeAnne Beres at for brokerage information and instructions.

Here are two articles to explain more about making gifts of stocks and other securities:

Workplace Giving & Matching Gifts

Giving through work is easy and many employers provide matching donations to make your gift go even farther.

Requesting a matching gift or grant is an easy way for you to increase the impact of your generosity and make more funds available for advancing SOS' critical mission. Matching grants are typically requested using a digital or paper form, or through a third party contracted by your employer, such as Benevity or other corporate purpose software.

King County Workplace Giving Program: Do you work for King County? If so, you can give to SOS with a one-time gift or through regular payroll deductions! 
Save Our wild Salmon Charity ID: 10265

Other Employers:
Below is a search engine you can use to look up your company to see if they have a matching gift program through which you can double (or more!) your donations to SOS, and several lists of companies known to have such programs:

Planned Giving

You can leave a lasting gift to protect salmon and rivers by including SOS in your estate planning. A planned gift is a powerful and thoughtful financial donation after your lifetime that shares your dedication to SOS and our vital mission with future generations.

There are several different ways you can make a planned gift to SOS, and we would be happy to work with you and your financial or legal advisor to determine the one that is right for you. More information is available in this downloadable brochure. To discuss your planned gift to SOS, please call Executive Director Joseph Bogaard at (206) 300-1003 or email

SOS Coffee Blend

SOS partners with local roaster Grounds for Change to bring you coffee that is organic and shade grown by small farmer cooperatives in addition to being CarbonFree and Fair Trade certified. Save Our wild Salmon Blend is a dark roast that will inspire you with a complex flavor and smooth finish. Grounds for Change generously donates a percentage of sales of this signature blend to SOS to support our mission.

Learn more and place an order now!


Northwest Artists Against Extinction (NWAAE, a project of Save Our wild Salmon) brings you high-quality T-shirts, hoodies, totes, and other merchandise featuring designs from our partner NWAAE artists. NWAAE is a creative collaboration between artists and advocates to build public support and political leadership to restore the lower Snake River and its imperiled wild salmon and steelhead, and proceeds from the sale of store items benefit SOS.

Shop the store! 

This year, SOS is offering several gifts for our donors and several raffle items. All donors who donate to SOS in November and December this years will be automatically be eligible for the raffle. Donate here.


(1) Raven Map of the Pacific Northwest ($50 minimum)
24" x 36", Raven Maps are world famous. This map centers the heart of salmon country in western North America - the lands, rivers and coastal waters from northern California to Alaska.








(2) Free the Snake t-shirt with artwork by Patagonia ($100 minimum)
Shirts come in three colors: green, blue and red.
Unisex and womens sizes available.
Supplies are limited. We’ll do our best to fulfill your request.
Send an email to with your preferred color, style and size, when you donate online.

(3) Free the Snake t-shirt with artwork by 'Always with Honor' ($100 minimum)
Shirts are unisex and come in blue only.
Supplies are limited. We’ll do our best to fulfill your request.
Send an email to with your preferred size, when you donate online.







(4) Wild Snake River salmon/steelhead watercolor t-shirt with artwork by Eileen Klatt ($100 minimum)
Shirts are unisex and come in tan color only.
Supplies are limited. We’ll do our best to fulfill your request.
Send an email to with your preferred size, when you donate online.



We’re also giving away three copies of two books. All year-end donors are eligible.

(1) Three copies of River of Life, Channel of Death. By Keith Petersen, 2002.
Keith Petersen's award-winning history of the lower Snake River dams chronicles the bitter conflict between the Northwest's most potent symbols -- fish and dams. Taking a balanced approach to this contentious issue, Petersen deftly traces the deep historical roots of the current salmon crisis and considers outcomes that have the potential to affect millions of people.

    riveroflife            riveroflife             riveroflife 

(2) Three copies of A River Captured: The Columbia River Treaty and Catastrophic Change. By Eileen Delehanty Pearkes, 2016.
Long lauded as a model of international cooperation, the Columbia River Treaty governs the storage and management of the waters of the upper Columbia River basin, a region rich in water resources, with a natural geography well suited to hydroelectric megaprojects. The Treaty also caused the displacement of over 2,000 residents of over a dozen communities, flooded and destroyed archaeological sites and up-ended once-healthy fisheries.

river.captured              river.captured              river.captured

Raffle winners will be announced in January 2018.       

sockeye.river copy 2

Save Our wild Salmon 2016 - The Year in Review
What we’ve accomplished – and what’s ahead.


donateTHANK YOU! On behalf of our board and staff, thank you for your active support for SOS’ work to protect and restore the iconic and irreplaceable wild salmon and steelhead of the Columbia by securing a lawful federal plan, freeing the lower Snake River by removing four costly dams, and modernizing the 53 year-old United State-Canada Columbia River Treaty.

SOS’ successes have only been achieved with your steadfast support and engagement. Governments will not 'Free the Snake', modernize the Treaty, rebuild Chinook populations for hungry orca or replace the dams’ energy with job-creating, climate-friendly alternatives. People will - arguing and advocating, listening and learning, finding common ground, and ultimately crafting solutions for a better, brighter future for both salmon and people, ecology and economy.

Thank you for your contributions to our successes. Your generous support before the end of the year are critical to helping us prepare us to tackle the both opportunities and challenges we’ll confront in 2017.

-- INVEST in our work in 2017 here. (Gifts to SOS tax-deductible)

-- SEE OUR YEAR-END DONOR GIFTS and raffle prizes (hats, shirts, and books) here.

-- VIEW A GALLERY OF PHOTOS from this year’s ‘Free the Snake’ Flotilla and Northwest Salmon Rallies this fall organized as part of the NEPA Scoping Period.

-- READ ON BELOW for a review our accomplishments in 2016 and preview of programs and activities for 2017.

And please reach out to Joseph Bogaard in Seattle or Sam Mace in Spokane – if you have questions about year-end giving and/or our programs and priorities in 2017.

2016 Photos:
'Free the Snake' Flotilla & NEPA salmon and river rallies

The following photos were taken in the second half of 2016 - at the second annual 'Free the Snake' Rally and Flotilla on the lower Snake River near Lewiston (ID) and Clarkston (WA) in September. Other photos were taken this fall at a series of events and rallies in support of wild salmon and a freely-flowing Snake River.

Photos courtesy of Dave McCoy (Emerald Water Anglers) and Melanie McCloskey, and others. copy 1canoe.flotilla    1comment cards.web 1freethesnake.cutoutthedalles.pano2 1Free the Snake Seattle 12.1.16    1Free the Snake Seattle 12.1.16 21FTS.canoe copy 2   1mccoy.kristin1mccoy.sea.inside.jb1mccoy.sea.outside.fish1mccoy.workman1NPT.boy11pdx.inside1pdx.table1spokane.rally copy1pdx.outside


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