UPDATE - Fall Fundraising Contest!
***We are SO close!***
At just about $4,600 dollars, the SOS Fall Fundraiser is within reach of our goal of $5,000. Help us reach this goal by November 11th and enter to win some fantastic prizes!
Save Our Wild Salmon will be giving away prizes to the five friends of salmon who raise the largest contributions between now and November 11th as part of an exciting fall fundraising drive - whether by organizing friends and family to donate to us in your name, or by an individual contribution.
We have valuable prizes from Patagonia, Granite Gear, craftsman John Miao of Xcalibur Rods, author David James Duncan, photographer Neil Osborne, and more!
CONTEST DEADLINE: Thursday, November 11th, 2010
Recently, the Brainerd Foundation agreed to provide Save Our Wild Salmon up to $5,000 as a last quarter 2010 matching challenge with you - our supporters. We eagerly accepted the challenge, and now ask you to help us take this opportunity by making a donation today.
Due to Brainerd's generosity, each dollar that you donate to us will be doubled. You donate $50, and Save Our Wild Salmon gets $100! We know money is tight, for all of you as for us. This Brainerd challenge makes a donation of any size doubly generous of you, and doubly meaningful to us.
See below for more information on the contest.
These funds will help support the critical projects SOS has under way...
Our litigation is nearing a decision in federal court.
We are coordinating the final filings by conservation and fishing plaintiffs, and working with our allies Oregon and the Nez Perce Tribe, in our challenge of the Obama Administration's "same old" salmon plan. U.S. District Judge James Redden's verdict is likely in the first quarter of 2011.
An exciting new film
You may have already seen the 'teaser' that we sent out last week: http://ga0.org/campaign/1oak - that portrays the epic journey of the Snake River's one-of-a-kind salmon - from the rugged coastline of southeast Alaska to the high and wild country of central Idaho.
Stopping the "Highway to Hell"
Working with businesses and citizens, we are helping expose ExxonMobil's stealth plan to create a 'high and wide' industrial transportation corridor through the heart of the Columbia Basin - to speed strip-mining of Alberta's Boreal Forest, generating massive new carbon pollution to further warm the rivers we and salmon share, and making Exxon a permanent player in Columbia and Snake River management.
Building support for a Snake River that works for everyone.
Our Working Snake River for Washington project is expanding support across Washington State for a Columbia/Snake settlement that works for fishermen, farmers, utilities, communities east and west, orca whales - in short, for all of Washington.
Your contribution during this match challenge will help all these projects, and thus help restore endangered salmon and steelhead in the Columbia Basin and the Pacific salmon state communities that depend upon them.
If you are already a member, Facebook is the best way to generate donations for our Cause. Join the SOS Facebook Cause here.
From there you'll see instructions for generating donations through your personal network.
This is our online donation page, located here.
Note: If you generating several donations in your name, make sure you tell folks to insert your name on the web form -> Where it says 'Donation Dedication', check 'on behalf of' and enter your name.
If you wish to make donations offline, please contact Kristie Miller, our Administrative Manager - 206.286.4455 x101 or Kristie@wildsalmon.org
Custom made for wildsalmon.org, model X908-4
9' 8wt, 4 piece fly rod: fast action, tip action, 57 million modulus.
This thing is amazing! The rod would retail at about $700.
More about the rod from John Miao: Legend has it that there is a man who lives in the North Pole named Santa Claus. Legend also has it that there was a man who caught a 1,000lb bluefin tuna on a fly rod. His name was Lee Wulff. In reality, Mr. Wulff, at 77 years old, caught a 960lb bluefin tuna on 130lb test with big game tackle off of Nova Scotia. Mr. Wulff was a champion of the Atlantic salmon. Lee spent most of his life educating the public on the importance of Catch & Release for game fish, and wanted most to be remembered as the Father of that practice. This rod is a tribute to the spirit of Mr. Wulff. We can stand by the sidelines and expect that our troubled fisheries will be saved by a jolly man in red, or make a positive contribution and continue in the spirit of Mr. Wulff and Save Our Wild Salmon.
9' 8wt, 4 piece fly rod: fast action, tip action, 57 million modulus.
This thing is amazing! The rod would retail at about $700.
More about the rod from John Miao: Legend has it that there is a man who lives in the North Pole named Santa Claus. Legend also has it that there was a man who caught a 1,000lb bluefin tuna on a fly rod. His name was Lee Wulff. In reality, Mr. Wulff, at 77 years old, caught a 960lb bluefin tuna on 130lb test with big game tackle off of Nova Scotia. Mr. Wulff was a champion of the Atlantic salmon. Lee spent most of his life educating the public on the importance of Catch & Release for game fish, and wanted most to be remembered as the Father of that practice. This rod is a tribute to the spirit of Mr. Wulff. We can stand by the sidelines and expect that our troubled fisheries will be saved by a jolly man in red, or make a positive contribution and continue in the spirit of Mr. Wulff and Save Our Wild Salmon.
Patagonia - Watermaster Waders
After years of consistent support for our campaign, Patagonia is a true champion of Save Our Wild Salmon and a huge supporter over the years. After all, their CEO and founder is a dam buster! For the contest, Patagonia has provided us with a great pair of their Watermaster Waders.

Granite Gear - SOS Tote Bags
Jeff Knight and Dan Cruikshank, founders of Granite Gear, have also been huge supporters for years. These guys recently crafted some great Save Our Wild Salmon-themed tote bags, a percentage of the proceeds going to SOS. If they look good on the Vice-president, they'll look even better on you! Neil Ever Osborne
Photographer Neil Ever Osborne trekked into the heart of the Snake River Basin twice this summer to capture the region's pristine habitat and highlight the epic migration of Snake River salmon and steelhead. This prize includes three mid-sized prints.
Lost River
As captured by photographer Frederic Ohringer, the beauty and value of eastern Washington's agricultural landscape is joined with an image of fishermen (David James Duncan and friends!) casting into a wheat field. The beautiful image is accompanied by a short essay by acclaimed author David James Duncan, whose novels include The River Why and The Brothers K. Duncan has signed the print as well.
Jeff Knight and Dan Cruikshank, founders of Granite Gear, have also been huge supporters for years. These guys recently crafted some great Save Our Wild Salmon-themed tote bags, a percentage of the proceeds going to SOS. If they look good on the Vice-president, they'll look even better on you! Neil Ever Osborne
Photographer Neil Ever Osborne trekked into the heart of the Snake River Basin twice this summer to capture the region's pristine habitat and highlight the epic migration of Snake River salmon and steelhead. This prize includes three mid-sized prints.
Lost River
As captured by photographer Frederic Ohringer, the beauty and value of eastern Washington's agricultural landscape is joined with an image of fishermen (David James Duncan and friends!) casting into a wheat field. The beautiful image is accompanied by a short essay by acclaimed author David James Duncan, whose novels include The River Why and The Brothers K. Duncan has signed the print as well.
Please contact us with any questions.
Thank you for your active support and your generosity,
Joseph, Bobby and the Save Our Wild Salmon Team!
Bobby Hayden